Are You Using the Most Cost-Effective Fuel for Industrial Heating?
Many businesses relied on red diesel (gas oil) for their industrial heating needs but lost access to the rebated fuel as a result of the duty changes which came into effect on the 1st of April 2022. Industrial heating oil can significantly reduce your organisation’s commercial heating costs and can be used without expensive boiler modifications or uplift of existing fuel stocks.
It is not to be used as fuel for a road vehicle, off-road vehicle, vessel or any other machinery that is not an excepted machine.
As a UK leading heating oil supplier, we’ve put together our most commonly asked questions to help explain the many benefits of the industrial heating fuel. If your questions about IHO are still unanswered at the end of this guide, simply give us a call on 0330 123 1444 and one of our fuel specialists will be able to help.

What is industrial heating oil?
Industrial heating oil (IHO) is our drop-in alternative to diesel that is explicitly intended for commercial boiler applications, to generate heat in boilers, heaters and dryers.
It’s compatible and totally miscible with commercially available heating oils, diesel and hydrogenated vegetable oils, and is identical to diesel in terms of its physical properties and calorific value. However, it’s a much more efficient heating fuel, giving you the same heat output as diesel but for less money.
What can industrial heating oil be used for?
IHO is strictly prohibited for use in mobile or stationary plant machinery. It’s made specifically for use in any heating applications where diesel is otherwise used, without the need for expensive equipment or machinery modifications.
Popular heating applications include:
- Space heating and central heating – apartment blocks, schools, universities, hospitals, government buildings, hotels, factories and commercial buildings
- Industrial boiler plants – food and beverage manufacturing facilities, dairies, distilleries and animal feed mills
- Drying and commercial heating – grain dryers, metal processes and tarmac manufacture
What are the benefits of using industrial heating oil?
Industrial heating fuel is an extremely stable and efficient fuel. It has a low CFFP/pour point and is a winter-grade solution which means it doesn’t need changing for winter use, unlike diesel.
This ensures companies can stock up on IHO ahead of the cold weather without having the worry of microbial contamination or waxing which can clog pipes and lead to equipment failure.
At Crown Oil, we are in complete control of the fuel’s components; every element is quality assured before and after we blend the fuel. The product also contains a multifunctional additive which provides fuel system cleanliness and corrosion protection and combustion chamber deposit control.
How can industrial heating oil be cheaper than diesel oil?
The diesel fuel specifications require a specific cetane number for the fuel to be used in modern diesel engines.
However, IHO doesn’t need to meet these exacting standards as it is only permitted for use in heating applications, meaning the production of this grade is more economical.
IHO has a higher calorific value meaning it produces more energy than standard diesel, providing more heat for your money.
Industrial heating oil has a bad reputation in the past, how can I be confident in your product?
Industrial heating oil’s reputation has been tarnished in the past as previous products from other fuel suppliers have damaged boiler applications by clogging lines, causing soot in boilers and leading to sludge build-up in fuel tanks.
Because we manufacture our own product, we are in total control of what goes into it and how it’s produced. This helps to ensure that we only supply the highest quality fuel to our customers.
Will switching to industrial heating oil disrupt my business?
Swapping over to industrial heating oil is simple; it’s a drop-in alternative and is fully miscible with diesel. This means you don’t need to empty your existing diesel stocks; you can simply top up your tank and start heating your commercial buildings.
Please note: IHO is strictly for use in heating applications and should only be mixed with diesel that is intended specifically for heating.
How much does industrial heating oil cost?
Commercial heating costs vary depending on your location and required quantity. Crown Oil is a UK leading IHO supplier, with vast stock available for delivery within 24-48 hours. Buying in bulk allows you to make even bigger savings. Call 0330 123 1444 to find out more.
For a competitive industrial heating oil price, call our fuel experts on 0330 123 1444 to start reducing your heating oil costs today. We can have your commercial heating oil delivered to you within 24-48 hours of placing your order.