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Crown Oil

Fuel Product Specifications

All our fuel and oil products meet or exceed the required UK specifications for use in boilers and furnaces, machinery, transport and all other applications. To order high-quality fuels, call 0330 123 1444

Find Out How High-Quality Fuels Meet High Specifications

A variety of fuels and oils are used in a range of applications across multiple industries. For this reason, it’s imperative that they meet certain high standards in order to avoid unexpected costs and damage from using low-quality fuel.

It’s important that you purchase fuel from a reputable supplier. At Crown Oil, all our fuel and oil products meet the specifications below. Click on the links below to find the relevant specification details:

For more information on the various fuel specs, visit our fuel specifications guide.

To learn more about oil specifications and what that means for your oil delivery, call our team of specialists on 0330 123 1444.

tonnes of net CO2 reduced across our transport fleet from using HVO

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