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Biodiesel B100 Specification

Biodiesel B100 is a first-generation pure biodiesel derived from vegetable oils. See its specification as listed in ASTM D6751

Biodiesel B100 (FAME) is a first-generation, pure biodiesel derived from vegetable oils, meaning it’s compatible with most diesel engines.

Often referred to as B100, pure, or neat biodiesel in its unblended form, it is used to fuel compression-ignition engines and is typically used as a blend stock to produce lower percentage blends.

B100 requires special handling and some equipment modifications. To avoid engine operational problems, it must meet the requirements of ASTM D6751, Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blendstock B100 for Middle Distillate Fuels.

Biodiesel B100 specification

The table below shows selected specification for 100% biodiesel B100 as listed in ASTM D6751. 

PropertyTest MethodTypical 100EN 14214
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME)
EN 1410397.9% (m/m)≥96.5% (m/m)
Density at 15°CEN ISO 3675878 kg/m³860-900 kg/m³
Viscosity at 40°CEN ISO 31044.4 mm²/s3.5-5.0 mm²/s
Flash pointEN ISO 3679161°C120°C
Cold filter plugging point (CFPP)EN 116-8°C0°C to -10°C
Sulphur contentEN ISO 208467.6 mg/kg≤10 mg/kg
Carbon residueEN ISO 103700.002% (m/m)≤0.3% (m/m)
Sulphated ash contentISO 3987≤0.01% (m/m)≤0.02 (m/m)
Water contentEN ISO 1293769 mg/kg≤500mg/kg
Oxidation stability at 110°CEN 141127.0 Hrs≥4.0 Hrs
Acid valueEN 141040.41mg KOH/g≤0.50mg KOH/g
Iodine numberEN 1411161g≤130g
Linolenic Acid Ethyl Ester contentEN 141033.2% (m/m)≤12.0% (m/m)
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME)
content (min. 3 double bonds)
≤1 (m/m)
Methanol contentEN 141104.69×10-4≤0.20% (m/m)
Monoacylglycerol contentEN 141050.0711% (m/m)≤0.80% (m/m)
Diacyglycerol contentEN 14105≤0.20% (m/m)
Triacyglycerol contentEN 14105≤0.20% (m/m)
Free glycerol contentEN 14105≤0.02% (m/m)
Total glycerol contentEN 141050.0190% (m/m)≤0.25% (m/m)

To order B100 (100% biodiesel) from a leading UK fuel supplier (minimum 10,000 litres), contact the Crown Oil team today on 0330 123 1444.

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