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BS EN 15940 Fuel Specifications

Paraffinic diesel fuels like Crown HVO must meet BS EN 15940 regulations in order to be supplied to businesses. Find out what those specifications are

Read the EN 15940 Paraffinic Diesel Fuel Specifications Here

British Standard (BS) EN 15940 is a paraffinic diesel fuel specification that governs a new generation of cleaner transport fuel for use in road vehicles. Paraffinic diesel fuels are synthetically produced diesel fuels, such as the advanced renewable paraffinic diesel – Crown HVO fuel which meets these specifications, as well as Shell GTL fuel.

Because Crown HVO and GTL meet these specifications, they are able to be used as a drop-in fuel in engines and machinery that have OEM approval, including Mercedes-Benz, Ford (for its Transit vans), Volvo, Peugeot, Citroen, Renault, John Deere, DAF, MAN, and more. In short, so long as there is OEM approval, EN 15940 fuels can be used as a drop-in replacement for fuels designed to run on EN 590 ULSD.

For more information on this specification, read our dedicated guide to fuel specifications.

The table below shows how Crown HVO fuel compares against the EN 15940 specification.

ParameterUnitsSpecificationTypical HVO Fuel Value
AppearanceClear and brightClear and bright
Density at 15oCkg/m30.770 – 0.7900.78
Viscosity at 40oCmm2/s2.0 – 4.02.8
Sulphur Contentmg/kg5 maximum<5
Flash point oCEN ISO 2719>70 
Cloud point   
– SummeroC-15 maximum< -15
– WinteroC-34 maximum< -34
– SummeroC-15 maximum< -15
– WinteroC-34 maximum< -34
Water Contentmg/kg200 maximum40
Ash Content% m/m0.001 maximum<0.001
Initial Boiling PointoC180 minimum>180
Recovered at 250oC% v/v<65<20
Recovered at 350oC% v/v85 minimum>98
95% recovered atoC360 maximum>95
Cetane Number70 minimum80
Cetane Index70 minimum80
CFPPoC-15 to -34 
Carbon Residue (on 10% distillation residue)% m/m0.1 maximum<0.01
Oxidation Stabilityg/m325 maximum<5
Copper Strip Corrosion 3hr/50oC1 maximum1a
Net Heat of CombustionMJ/kg42 minimum44
Particulate Mattermg/kg10 maximum<1
Lubricity/HFRRμm400 maximum350
Renewable Diesel% v/v100100
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester% v/v00
Total Aromatics% m/m1 maximum<1
Polycyclic Aromatics(PAH)% v/v0.02 maximum<0.02
Download our Crown HVO brochure with more information

For a supply of EN 15940-compliant Crown HVO fuel, contact Crown Oil’s expert fuels team today on 0330 123 1444.

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