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Go Fossil Free with Crown HVO Fuel

Why Crown HVO fuel is breaking new ground

With event organisers, data centres and many other large organisations under pressure to reduce their environmental impact and net emissions, energy consumption has become a key area of concern. In order to achieve this, a shift from fossil fuels to alternative fuels is inevitable. One green fuel in particular – HVO fuel – is breaking new ground.

Crown Oil HVO

What is HVO fuel?

HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) is a synthetic diesel replacement that’s stable, sustainable and high quality, making it perfectly suited for a wide range of applications including urban road-going fleets, generators and industrial power systems.

It’s a premium-quality, second-generation renewable diesel alternative, made from renewable raw materials such as vegetable and waste animal fats.

Hydrotreating vegetable oils is a modern way to produce high-quality diesel fuels. The clean burn properties of Crown HVO reduce particulate production, helping increase the lifespan of emission control systems as well as improving engine cleanliness.

Crown HVO meets the highest sustainability requirement, whilst outperforming both regular diesel and biodiesel in both engine performance and environmental impact. Using Crown HVO fuel can reduce local emission levels, improve urban air quality and is a superb alternative where local air quality is a leading concern, such as in cities or mining operations. Crown Oil also offsets the carbon produced by our delivery mileage, further improving on HVO’s eco-friendly credentials.

Crown HVO fuel offers many advantages over fossil diesel, including:

  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%
  • Synthesised from renewable and sustainable sources
  • Drop-in replacement for regular diesel (conforming to EN15940) and approved by various OEMs
  • Odourless
  • Up to 10-year shelf life, depending on storage conditions
  • Excellent cold weather performance
  • Zero sulphur and FAME content

A drop-in replacement for regular diesel

The sustainability and compatibility of HVO fuel as opposed to regular FAME biodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters) is another key driving factor behind the fuel’s increasing popularity.

Crown HVO fuel meets the strictest requirements outlined by many automotive manufacturers and its chemical structure is almost identical to regular diesel. HVO meets EN15940 standards and Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC Annex II. A range of OEM approvals allows it to be used in diesel engines without voiding warranties.

Using HVO fuel will provide improved combustion properties in engines, helping to cut emissions and improve air quality.

The difference between HVO fuel and FAME biodiesel

FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) is a first-generation biofuel. As such, it is susceptible to poor cold temperature performance and cold filter plugging, poor storage longevity due to the potential for water and biological attack, and poor compatibility with diesel fuels.

HVO, as a second-generation renewable diesel alternative, has none of these problems as it has been chemically produced and hydrotreated, meaning that it is chemically very similar to regular diesel. It maintains all of its environmental credentials and is hampered by none of the issues of first-generation biodiesel.

Another distinguishing factor is that Crown HVO has a cetane number of up to 90 which is significantly higher than that for regular diesel (51 min), providing better energy output.

Because HVO is processed in this way, Crown Oil are able to provide a product which offers consistent batch to batch properties, ensuring the performance of the fuel after each delivery.

The highly controlled production process used to manufacture HVO fuel means that it burns more efficiently and consistently, promoting cleaner combustion. This ultimately reduces soot in engines and exhaust systems, lowers emissions and provides more efficient burning than traditional biodiesel and mineral diesel.


Biodiesel (FAME/RME)Fossil dieselRenewable diesel (HVO)Fischer-Tropsch (BTL)

Raw material

Vegetable oils & animal fats (mainly rapeseed oil)

Crude oil (mineral oil)Flexible mix of raw materials (vegetable oils & waste fats)



EsterificationTraditional refiningHydrotreatingGasification & Fischer-Tropsch

End product

Ester-based, conventional biodieselHydrocarbon (gasoiline, jet fuel, diesel)Bio-based hydrocarbon (renewable diesel, jet fuel, bionaphta, biopropane)

Bio-based hydrocarbon (renewable gasoline, jet fuel, diesel

Chemical composition


+ aromatics



FAME = Fatty Acid Methyl Ester, conventional biodiesel

RME = Rapeseed Methyl Ester, conventional biodiesel

HVO = Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, advanced renewable diesel alternative

BTL = Biomass to Liquid

  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%: significantly better for the environment than regular diesel while preserving performance levels
  • Renewable and sustainable: made from waste fats and vegetable oils, eliminating net CO2 and significantly reducing NOx, PM and CO emissions
  • Up to 10-year shelf life & storage properties: limited need for regular fuel testing and replacements due to reduced chance of deterioration in quality
  • Drop in fuel: Meets EN15940 standards and with OEM approvals it can be used as a drop-in replacement to diesel
  • Biodegradable: readily biodegradable by OECD 301(b), improving environmental safety
  • Less liable to waxing in extreme cold temperatures: high cetane number of up to 90 and low cloud point provides better starting performance, clean combustion and extra power compared to regular diesel in severe cold conditions
  • Higher flashpoint: improved safety, storage and handling

HVO fuel at a glance

  • Produced from vegetable oils / animal fats via hydrogenation and isomeration
  • Free from aromatics, sulphur and metals
  • Tested and tried product; it’s clean and safe
  • Contains only n- and i-paraffin with carbon number (C10-C20), distillation mainly 180-320°C
  • Meets EN 15940:2016
  • Clear and bright
  • Better combustion, filterability and cold temperature resistance than other diesel products
  • Uniform combustion provides noise reduction levels in some engines
  • Reduced particulate production on combustion reduces the aging of engine oils and improves cold start properties
  • Suitable for all engines, generators and machinery
  • Higher cetane number: up to 90
  • HFRR lubricity additive of around 350μm is added to achieve a superior lubricity requirement than fossil diesel

Typical fuel properties


TS 15940 HVO

EN 14214 FAME (rape seed)

Density (kg/m3)

≈ 785

≈ 885

Cetane number

75 … 99

≈ 51

Distillation range oC

180 … 320

350 – 370

Heating value (MJ/I)

≈ 34.1 … 34.4

≈ 33.2

Total aromatics (wt-%)



Oxygen (wt-%)


≈ 11




Ash, metals



Cold operability



In diesel fuel (vol%)

… 30 … 100

… 7 (…10?)

HVO fuel – a ready supply

Until now, HVO fuel had limited availability, which meant that facilities management companies and other large organisations struggled to reduce their emissions. But that was a thing of the past.

Crown Oil can supply you with the HVO fuel you need, ranging from small quantities to bulk amounts, within our normal delivery timescales – something which has not previously been an option.

If you’re looking for a bulk supplier of the clean-burning, environmentally friendly alternative to diesel, with the added benefit of a longer shelf life than regular diesel, get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team today by calling 0330 123 1444.

* Crown Oil HVO fuel complies with BS EN 15940 being the British Standard for paraffinic diesel fuel which is a new generation of cleaner transport fuel for use in road vehicles. If your vehicle is still within the manufacturer`s warranty or if you have taken out mechanical breakdown insurance, we recommend you check with the manufacturer or insurer that use of our product will not affect your cover. We cannot be held responsible for any issues with your vehicle connected to its age or pre-existing condition.


tonnes of net CO2 reduced across our transport fleet from using HVO

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Our Journey to Net Zero Carbon


7 Reasons to Choose Crown Oil


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