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Crown Oil

Anti-Wax Fuel Additive

Anti-Wax fuel additive is available for UK-wide delivery. Call 0330 123 1444 to avoid diesel waxing in cold temperatures.

Anti-Wax Fuel Additive

Anti-Wax additive will improve the cold flow and handling properties of white and red diesel. It works by changing the shape of wax crystals in fuel and decreasing their size. It co-crystalises with the fuel’s wax crystals as they form when the fuel cools down and must therefore be added to fuel before it waxes at around 10oC above the cloud point.

Features & benefits

  • Improves the fuel’s resistance to waxing and freezing
  • Enables operation at colder temperatures than the fuel specification
  • Prevents wax crystal formation
  • Lowers the risk of filter plugging
  • Works with the maximum allowable FAME contents

Examples include:

EN590 Diesel
EN590 Diesel
EN590:2013 SummerEN590:2013 Winter
Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP)
Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP)
With additive
Treatment rate
Additive: fuel

Treatment ratio

1 litre treats 1,000 litres of fuel.

Typical users

  • Automotive and transport
  • Industrial
  • Marine
  • Off-road and static

When to use:

  • As a preventative measure and will not work if the fuel is already waxed
  • Forecast is for temperatures of <-5oC
  • At the transition between summer and winter grade fuel to guarantee full protection
  • When winter grade fuel is required year-round
  • If added to a full tank of fuel, the fuel and additive mixture should be recirculated using a pump

Ready to learn more about our Anti-Wax Additive? Call 0330 123 1444 to speak to our fuel experts.

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