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Crown Oil

Future Fuels + Additive

Discover how our Future Fuels + additive can help protect your costly assets, call our fuel experts today on 0330 123 1444.

Future Fuels + is a performance fuel additive for hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and gas-to-liquid (GTL) – paraffinic fuels that conform to BS EN15940 paraffinic diesel from hydrotreatment or synthesis.

Increased fuel lubricity  Safeguards against early wear in fuel pumps and fuel injectors
Enhanced water resistance  Prevents emulsions forming and consequent filter blockagesAvoids water forming in fuelProtects against corrosion
Reduced deposit formation  Helps keep injectors cleanPrevents injector sticking and over-fuellingMaintains injector spray patternPrevents nozzle coking in older enginesLowers fuel consumption which results in emissions
Dispersant effect  Separates soft particles to prevent fuel filters blocking when paraffinic fuels are mixed with FAME fuels

Treatment ratio

1 litre of Future Fuels + treats 2,000 litres of fuel.

Typical users

  • Automotive and transport
  • Industrial
  • Marine
  • Off-road and static

Typical applications

Future Fuels + is intended for use in bulk storage or directly in a vehicle’s tank.

It should be used where extra lubrication is required in fuel injection equipment and fuel pumps. In instances where fuels may be mixed with FAME containing mineral diesel, injector deposits are minimised and power is maintained.

To learn more about how our Future Fuels + additive can help protect your costly assets, call our fuel experts today on 0330 107 1336.

tonnes of net CO2 reduced across our transport fleet from using HVO

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