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Crown Oil

Kerosene Enhancer for Diesel Engines

Kerosene Enhancer for Diesel Engines enables the use of kerosene in a diesel generator. Call 0330 123 1444 for a competitive quote.

Kerosene Enhancer for Diesel Engines is a liquid, multi-component middle distillate fuel additive that enables the use of kerosene in a diesel generator.

It’s used to upgrade the cetane number and lubricity performance of kerosene when used in a diesel (compression) engine.

A cherry fragranced version is also available. Please ask our experts for more information by calling 0330 123 1444.

Features & benefits

Where only kerosene is available, the additive enables kerosene to be used in a compression engine and meets the MOD single fuel concept lubricity and cetane targets. It:

Improves lubricity of fuel and protects the engine – reduces wear scar measurement to less than 460um, in line with diesel fuel specification

Increases kerosene’s cetane number (44 min) to provide improved combustion

Treatment ratio

1 litre treats 1,000 litres of fuel.

Typical applications

Kerosene Enhancer should be directly added to a vehicle’s fuel tank and should be added directly to a vehicle’s fuel tank just before the next fill.

To learn more about the many benefits of our Kerosene Enhancer for Diesel Engines, call 0330 123 1444 to speak to an expert.

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