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Kerosene Lubricity Additive

Discover how Kerosene Lubricity Additive can help to protect fuel pumps from excessive wear and call 0330 123 1444 to speak to an expert.

Kerosene Lubricity Additive

Kerosene Lubricity Additive is intended for when kerosene is used in place of red or white diesel in stationary equipment. It can also be used in domestic and commercial heating systems to protect fuel pumps from excessive wear.

Features & benefits

  • Creates a protective film on metal surfaces
  • Produces a barrier to reduce contact, friction and wear
  • Prolongs equipment life
  • Endorsed by leading boiler fuel pump manufacturers

Treatment ratio

200ml treats 1,000 litres of kerosene.

Typical applications

Low sulphur kerosene doesn’t have the same lubricating properties as additised red or white diesel, which regularly contain suitable ‘lubricity additives’.

Kerosene Lubricity Additive offsets this natural lack of lubricity and ensures wear rates are decreased, and equipment life is maintained.

Typical applications are heating systems where fuel pumps have failed/seized or predicted, as well as agricultural grain dryers.

Discover how Kerosene Lubricity Additive can help to protect fuel pumps from excessive wear and call 0330 123 1444 to speak to an expert.

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