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Crown Oil

Hydraulic Oil Supplier

Choosing Crown Oil for your hydraulic oil needs is choosing an oil supplier that you can trust, with nationwide delivery. Call 0330 123 1444

Nationwide Hydraulic Oil Supplier

Of all the lubricants we produce, hydraulic oil is by far one of the most popular oils which we’re asked to blend and supply throughout the UK.

Hydraulic oil is often used in coolants to sealants and is commonly used by industries including construction, manufacturing and aviation.

For more information regarding our fluids for hydraulics, call our team of lubricants experts on 0330 123 1444 today.

What is hydraulic oil?

Hydraulic oil (fluid) is a mixture of mineral oil and additives that aid the transfer of power in hydraulic machinery.

What is hydraulic fluid used for?

Where hydraulic power is used, hydraulic oil is required to aid the movement. It can be used in the following machinery:

  • Lifts
  • Hydraulic Brakes
  • Power Steering
  • Flight Control Systems in Aircraft
  • Hydraulic Jacks

It’s important that the correct hydraulic oil is used for its proper application. Our advisers can help you identify the correct oil for you but, we also blend our own range of hydraulic oils should require something tailored to you.

You can learn more about hydraulic oil in our guide. You can also find out about the different hydraulic oil classifications if you need.

Why choose Crown Oil’s hydraulic oils?

At Crown Oil, we blend our very own range of high-quality hydraulic oils. These mineral oil based fluids contain additives that enhance the anti-wear, anti-foam and anti-rust properties whilst boosting the oxidation resistance of the working fluid.

The resultant high-performance oil provides long life to your industrial hydraulic systems.

Read our hydraulic oil product specifications

Hydraulic types

  • Eco-friendly hydraulic oil
  • Synthetic hydraulic fluids
  • Industrial hydraulic oils
  • Vegetable based hydraulic fluid
  • Mineral hydraulic fluid
  • Anti-wear hydraulic oil

Reliable performance

Crown Hydraulic Oils are blended to meet the requirements of the following specifications:

  • DIN 51524 Part 2 (HLP)
  • Sperry Vickers 1-286-S
  • ISO 6743/4 (HM)
  • Afnor NF E 48-603 (HM)
  • Denison TP 02100
  • ISO 11158 (HM)
  • VDMA 24318
  • US Steel 126,127

Below is a table of physical properties for our blend hydraulic oils; their ISO reference, hydraulic oil viscosity, density, flash point and pour point – follow the link for more information about each blend of hydraulic fluid:

Hydraulic Oil BlendISO ReferenceDensity Kg/LViscosity @40°CViscosity @100°CVIFlash Point °CPour Point °C
Hydraulic 10ISO 100.8439.72.1080160-15
Hydraulic 15ISO 150.86016.23.4078180-15
Hydraulic 22ISO 220.862214.1597214-9
Hydraulic 27ISO 270.861274.95108205-13
Hydraulic 32ISO 320.860325.3115214-15
Hydraulic 37ISO 370.864376.1112214-14
Hydraulic 46ISO 460.869467.0108230-13
Hydraulic 68ISO 680.878688.8101240-11
Hydraulic 100ISO 1000.89010011.297240-9
Hydraulic 150ISO 1500.89115014.797240-9
Hydraulic 220ISO 2200.89522019.097250-9
Hydraulic 320ISO 3200.90032024.397250-8

Hydraulic oil suppliers

For more information regarding our fluids for hydraulics, call our team of lubricants experts on 0330 123 1444 today.

As nationwide hydraulic oil suppliers, Crown Oil can supply packs of 20/25 litres and 205-litre drums of hydraulic oil to you no matter where you are in the UK.

We can deliver same day, next day or whenever you require oil anywhere in the UK.

We also offer bulk hydraulic oil deliveries. For these larger orders, call our knowledgeable team on 0330 123 1444, regarding a tailored blend for a specific purpose.

Hydraulic oil prices

As we blend our lubricants at our headquarters, we not only offer incredible consistency with our oil but, our hydraulic oil prices are the most competitive in the UK.

Don’t pay more than you need to for lower quality oil when you can have your very own blend of hydraulic oil supplied by one of the UK’s leading lubricant manufacturers!

Buy hydraulic oil today

Buy hydraulic oils from Crown Oil and get high-quality lubrication and performance. Our prices are the most competitive in the UK, and our deliveries are designed to work around you.

As one of the UK’s largest hydraulic oil suppliers, we should be able to help you with everything you need.

Looking for a bulk hydraulic oil supplier near you?

As a UK leading bulk hydraulic oil supplier, we can distribute hydraulic fluids in a wide range of quantities from IBCs, 205-litre oil drums, 25-litre tubs to smaller quantities.

If you’re ready to learn more and would like to discuss your requirements further, call today on 0330 123 1444 to speak to our hydraulic oil experts.

tonnes of net CO2 reduced across our transport fleet from using HVO

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Our Journey to Net Zero Carbon


7 Reasons to Choose Crown Oil


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